Monday, March 29, 2010

Chairman Oba-Mao At It Again

So our peerless leader has decided that being just like everyone else is OK now.

W. did it 170 times, Slick Willy did it over 140 times; recess appointments. Recess appointments are a cowardly way to get appointees to certain positions in government through, without congressional approval. George W and Willy did it mostly with low importance positions, though. Chairman Oba-Mao has done it in a much more blatant (big surprise), and underhanded way, ignoring at least two huge elephants in the room.

First and foremost; doesn't appointing TWO UNION LAWYERS to the National Labor Relations Board sound alot like conflict of interest? Nothing like making absolutely sure unions get the upper hand in every aspect of negotiation, election, and organization. The problem here is that unions no longer serve a valid purpose. The one and only goal of forming and maintaining a union nowdays, is to get more for less; more money and benefits, for less work. Unfortunately, stupid union people don't get that if the companies they work for keep giving and giving and giving, there will soon be no company to work for... GET IT MORONS? Maybe if we still had child labor problems and sweat shops & slave labor were still running amok, we could use the unions; but they have become nothing more than greed machines.

Second, the Chairman made many promises about doing things differently. Change You Can Believe In, wasn't it? Yet, back-alley deals, old British Parliamentary tricks, and "Congress is away so I can play" are the only ways all of this socialism can get forced down our throats. Doesn't sound like ANYTHING I believe in. Mr. Oba-Mao can pretend that the Republicans are blocking his nominees out of spite, or grandstanding, or whatever; but the fact is that none of his nominees so far has been palatable to the American public... Sorta like his health care plan. So maybe these nominees are being blocked because they are bad choices... Sorta like his health care plan. Less partisan politics? Nope, he and Comrade Pelosi - even with a super majority - had to resort to thumbing their noses at the Repubs and some of their own to get Commie-Care through. The article I linked to above is about the fourth I've seen recently that has mentioned the Chairman "Scolding the GOP". Doesn't sound very nonpartisan, does it?

There are three houses of our government for a reason; so that no one of those can become too powerful. Yet somehow, the Chairman has UNILATERALLY passed health care reform we didn't want, put in place appointees we didn't want, passed a meaningless jobs bill (bet ya missed that one), and bailed out a bunch of companies we didn't want to bail out. Oh, don't let me forget taking over GM & Chrysler, and GIVING them to the union (UAW)... Illegally, by the way - as was the passage of the health care bill (10th Amendment, anyone?)

It's so funny that Oba-Mao got elected partly because many morons believed the "George W is trampling all over your rights" line that was sold by the Dems and media. Now, you are losing them at an alarming rate. Individuality is being systematically extinguished. The free market, and therefore innovation and entreprenurialism, are being wiped out with each stroke of the Chairman's 42 pens; of course, regardless of the Constitution, whether there are enough votes for it, or if anyone even wants it.

Look back through history people.Lenin, Castro, Tito, and the Ayatollahs all came to power promising "Power to the People", and "Take from the rich, to give to the poor". They all started out taking small bites out of their peoples' freedoms; "We have to take this from you for the good of all..." Sound familiar? They all ended up as Police-States, where only the elite and "Good Party Members" had anything resembling a decent life. Oh, and other than the Ayatollahs (who have oil), they have all ended up FLAT BROKE.

Look where Socialism has taken other countries, if you want to see where we are headed... It ain't pretty.

Peace, Love, and The Siberian Express


Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Well, I hope all you liberal - "Change You Can Believe In" - fruitcakes are happy.

Oh goody - ANOTHER TRILLION DOLLARS to programs I pay for, and don't get to use, because I WORK for a living. That, of course, is on top of the 4 Trillion in bank and GM/Chrysler bailouts... The latter of which by the way, were both illegal.

Oh goody - Another beat-down of the Constitution by the "Commie-Care at any cost" Dems. Ummm... The STATES - BY CONSTITUTIONAL LAW - are the governing bodies that are supposed to administer any government run/funded health care programs; look it up. The Dems' "Interstate Commerce" umbrella is plain and simple horse-crap. Do you go to a doctor or hospital out-of-state? MAYYYYYBE if you are on vacation or a business trip, otherwise you do just like me, and go to the Doc right down the street. This is why many State DA's are considering suing the Federal Government to stop Commie-Care from taking hold in their states.

Oh goody - more bullsh!# about how this will lower my premiums. Ummm... Look at auto insurance rates after states started mandating that type of coverage (which BTW, is legal, get it?). Also, when my boss has to start paying WAY higher taxes, and insurance rates; do you think he will just eat those costs? Uhhh... Hell No?

Oh goody - Even more bullsh!# about how my taxes won't go up. Ummm... Rich folks are rich for a reason... They know all the loopholes, and tricks of the trade to NOT pay higher taxes. So when that money never starts rolling in, who is gonna end up paying? Oh yeah... Me again.

Oh goody - our "Representatives" have turned into our masters. Yes, lets use long-thought-dead parliamentary tricks from the days of British Rule to pass wildly unpopular legislation. Why? Because they do not wish to represent, they wish to rule. And must our rulers live by the same code? Nope. They opted THEMSELVES out of this plan... Hmmm, why would they do that? Oh yeah, because they're perfectly happy to let US pay for THEIR Cadillac health plan, but if your boss offers you one, they're gonna tax the Hell out of it. Some underhandedness to go with your hypocrisy, Madam Speaker?

I hope all you Obamaniacal fruitcakes are reading carefully; YOU WILL REGRET NOVEMBER 4, 2008. When you are paying 40% or higher income tax (thats just the Feds), and waiting so long to see a mediocre physician, that whatever you had or did, is gone or permanently screwed, and fumbling all over looking for your National ID card, or... I could go on, but I'll leave you with this:

Instead of believing everything Katie Couric and Brian Williams tell you, do some research. Look back in History; find the periods of greatest governmental involvement in our lives. Find the periods with the largest government programs and tax increases. I could tell you that you will find them to be the most socio-economically challenging periods in our history, but that would just be me saying it. Look for yourself, if you think you can handle what truly is, instead of what "Mr. Hope" sold you a couple years ago.

Peace, Love, and Cold Hard Facts
