Monday, March 27, 2006

Me, You, and Religion

O.K., so I work with a couple of guys who are not only more conservative than me and my Brother CP put together, they are also very religious....And very opinionated (read: stubborn) about their own interpretations of what the Bible says. As you may know, CP and I were brought up Catholic (read: guilt-ridden), with all the "I'm not worthy", and "I'm a sinner just for being" you can handle.

The big argument a couple weeks ago was; Did Jesus die for our sins as in many people- one sin per person, or one person- many sins? Or maybe many people - many sins? Like alot of things in the Bible, you could read it both ways...And like many things in the Bible, I personally think, it is that way to MAKE you think.

The problem, in my small-scale two-guys-at-work case, and I believe, in the world, is that alot of us are so caught-up in our own up-bringing, our own opinions, our views of what is right, that we fail to see the Common Freaking Sense right in front of our faces.

Now, mind you, this is my view of CFS... I don't think it really matters which, and how many sins Jesus died for, I don't think it matters if you're a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim, a Bhuddist, or whatever. I don't think it matters how you interpret your Bible, or holy word of choice (as long as you don't pervert a peaceful religion, that goes for you Ultra-Christians too, not just Muslims)
or how you choose to worship (once again, within limits). I think if you try to do the right thing, try to be the best person you can, and follow the Golden Rule (every religion has a version, but they all say the same thing), your God, your savior, your prophet, will accept you into your Heaven.

Being enthused, or adament about your reigion is fantastic, until you start trying to push it on other people as the only one that's right. My family and I choose to remain with the Catholic Church, it's the church I was raised in, baptized in, was an Altar-boy for. But, I also understand that my church is partially based on what Emperor Constantine thought should be the story of Christ. Thousands of years of religions fighting each other, crossing-over one another, and just getting lost in translation will create enough debate without our ego's help. So I don't push my belief system on anyone. Think of it this way, 95% of the world believes in a Higher Power, and 95% of the teachings in all the different disciplines are damn-near word-for-word, so why can't we all see eye to eye?

probably the same reason that we can't have CHRISTMAS anymore, in a country where 95% of us are Christian.

Don't be hatin'



Crazy Politico said...

Cool post Bro!

I've found a partial answer to the question of dealing with those who wish to push their religion. When I get the "Christ has saved me" line, I usually ask "from what?"

We all know the answer "from my sins, of course."

Now, to confuse said bible thumper, just ask "Why did you commit them in the first place. Wouldn't it have been easier to just be a good person in the first place?"

That will usually slow them down for a second or two while I head for the exit.

Religion is a great thing, and I believe there is a higher power. However, I'll keep my beliefs to me, you keep yours to you, and we'll get along fine.

Anonymous said...

Although I disagree with your ideas about religion, I think the difference of opinion is exactly your point. We each choose for ourselves.

If you care to read my ideas, you can mosey over to my spot. I'd like it if you did. I believe that Jesus was the sacrifice for all of our sins, and I think that point is very important. If I were so good, I wouldn't need Jesus.

As for the question, "Why sin in the first place?" Simple answer: 'Cause sometimes I am an idiot and want my own way instead of God's way. Blushing, but honest.

....spoken from my heart, hoping you hear it that way....

Glad you are feeling better from the ickies.
Once again, Happy Birthday!

Question: Just how long will you be 21??