Monday, April 03, 2006

Me...As it relates to You

I thought that I should give both my fans an overview of me, and some of my beliefs. Things to let you know where I'm coming from, before we even get there.

Politically--- I consider myself more conservative, but not necessarily a Republican. Honestly, I pretty much hate all politicians. Even those who start with the best of intentions get turned into the partisan A-Holes we all hate. "Not that I condone facism, or any -ism, for that matter"- Ferris Beuller...But the two party system only works if the parties are doing what their constituents elected them to do. Let's face it, once they get to Washington, they're set for life, so they stop giving a shit about us, period. My big problem with the Dems- Hypocricy. How in the hell am I supposed to believe that John Kerry, and Ted Kennedy give half-a-damn about "The Little Guy'?
My big problem with the Republicans- Legislated Morals. Listen, guys, I didn't elect you so you could go ape-shit because Justin & Janet had a "wardrobe malfunction". Can you say FCC overkill, boys and girls? I elected you because I want CHRISTMAS back, because I don't want a warning label on EVERYTHING, and because sometimes it's OK to give a FIRST PLACE trophy, not a "participation medal".
By the (old school) way, all you screamin' lefties... I got my butt beat as a kid when I was bad, 'cuz I deserved it... And guess what? I'm not an axe-murderer, I don't need therapy, and I love my Mom and Dad to death. Unbelieveable, huh? Time-outs ain't workin' people.

Abortion--- I don't like the idea, fundamentally. However, even more fundamentally, I hate the idea of going back to un-sanitary back-room abortion clinics, or worse yet, girls bleeding to death in a closet because they tried to do it themselves. I know alot of people use abortion the wrong way, and frankly those people make me sick, but the alternative was, and would be, much worse. Oh, and all you ultra-Christian clinic-bombers... Al Qaeda has some openings you may be interested in.

Environment--- While I acknowledge the phenomenon of global-warming, and it's dangers to us and future generations... Go find me a scientist who can PROVE that it isn't just a cycle the earth goes through. They can't. Know why? Mama Earth has been around for about 4 billion years, we've been here about 10,000. The technology to detect things like the ozone hole has been around for about 30, and climatology, and meteorology can't find their asses with both hands. If you listen carefully, you can hear them contradict themselves. The last Ice Age happened without our help, and yet that's what the big outcome of global-warming is supposed to be. Are we speeding it along? Probably. Are we producing junk that would make our ancestors puke? Yup. But guess what again... So would a large-scale volcanic eruption, or a medium to large asteroid/meteor hitting us... Mama will wipe us out before we can do it ourselves. That's not to say I'm a polluter, or I wouldn't love to see our cars run on hydrogen or whatever, or I'm a nature-hater. Quite the contrary, I love hunting, and fishing, and camping, and I can't do those things if nature is gone...I love Mama...I leave her better than how I found her whenever possible. I think the more real, and present danger is what happens when we blow our fossil-fuel wad, and our oil-based world economy takes a big ol' dump.

Religion--- The only thing I'll say that I didn't say in my religion rant (You, Me, and Religion), is that I think all churches need to stay out of the political arena. Respect for life is not something I need shoved down my throat every Sunday. I've been in some very hairy situations, I have kids, I'm pretty sure my Respect-o-Meter is pegged. And as far as putting your churches two-cents in on whatever war is going on? I seem to recall some things called, "The Crusades", "Jihad", and God himself swallowing up half the Egyptian army in the Red Sea. Show me the teachings of whatever Faith I follow, don't try to govern me. It's part of why this country exists.

Society--- We have allowed the ACLU, and Soccer-Moms to turn us into a mediocre people . We can't have actual competition anymore. We can't have winners and losers anymore, just participants. We can only hire the best people for the job if a certain demographic-proile quota is met. We have also polarized ourselves in keeping with Washington's example. We piss and moan alot, but those incumbents always seem to keep their seats. Part of the reason I started this blog was to fire someone up, if only myself. I live in a town where we HAD an opportunity to build an ethanol plant. It would've brought in over $ 1 million a year to our schools just through property taxes. But a bunch of mis-informed loud-mouths (whose kids mostly go to other schools) have pretty much blown it. See, these geniuses built their fancy sub-division on a Super-Fund site, between a freeway, and a huge tank farm that supplies all the area gas stations... But God forbid they build that ethanol plant. By the way, if any of you Redenius idiots reads this, all ethanol plants do is COOK CORN you moron. you cannot produce toluene by cooking corn. Toluene is a petroleum-based solvent, cooking corn is not petroleum-based anything. Go take a 10th grade chemistry class. Most of the people IN town, wanted this plant, and those tax dollars. But once again, the loudest voices are the only ones heard. Just like the rest of society, we all think all Iraqis hate us because that's what the loudest voices say. Wrong. If the loudest voices were always right, John Kerry would be President. It is time for the silent majority to stop being so silent.
Give me back my CHRISTMAS
I'm sorry if my kid is better than your's at something
Hire the white guy if he's the most qualified
Hire the black guy if he's the most qualified
Hire the Asian woman if she's the most qualified
Competition is NOT a bad thing, winning builds self-esteem, losing builds character, and hopefully a strong desire to open a can of whoop-ass next time.

Peace, Love, and Hooter's Girls (I hope that offends someone)



Crazy Politico said...

The fan base takes time to develop. Visit other folks blogs, leave comments, it will attract folks to your blog.

I've got 3 blog rolls up at mine, just pick 6 or 7 random one's each day to read, leave a comment on them if you like (or don't) what they have to say.

BTW, love your philosphy on hiring folks, it keeps working to get me jobs :)

Lone Pony said...

I like your COMMON FREAKING SENSE approach to hiring too. Oh! And this:

"Competition is NOT a bad thing, winning builds self-esteem, losing builds character, and hopefully a strong desire to open a can of whoop-ass next time."

Can I quote you??? That's pure gold!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Lone Pony! (That's pure gold!)

Mission accomplished on the Hooter's Girls, but this IS your blog, not mine....
Does Hooter's ever use male waiters? Just kidding.
I'd want them to have on plenty of clothes. I'm old-fashioned, and I don't want to see a hairy chest while I'm trying to eat!