Monday, June 05, 2006

Is It Just Me?

OK, so I'm going through the news, and I see a bit of good news, Texas Cops Find Abducted 5 Day Old. I saw the report on Nancy Grace, and Greta Van Sustern's shows, last night. By the way, Nancy rules, even though she's on the Clinton News Network. Of course, like all parents, my reaction is fear for the child (especially since she was sick), and deep gutorral pain for the mother. How do freaks have such a special talent for gaining peoples' trust? The baby is fine, but the story doesn't say if the woman who took her was caught. So, happy news there. Makes our 8-1 loss at the ol' ball diamond tonight seem pretty trivial, which is exactly what I needed. Is it just me, or does it seem like you always get something nice like that right when you need it?

Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the news... Kennedy Released From Rehab. So Ted's boy is OK to return to his place in society. If you read the story, you'll note that Patty-Boy has been up to this kind of stuff since high school. Oh, like son, car accidents, special treatment from the fuzz, the only thing missing, is the mistress drowning in a pond. I wish my name was Kennedy, I quite often have the urge to intoxicate myself to the point of black-out, then take a late-night drive... If my name was Kennedy, I could get away with that, and involuntary man-slaughter.... Man, rich, AND above the law, must be rough. The story almost makes Patty out to be a hero, championing the mental health cause. If that had been 'W' behind the wheel, it would still be the top story every day, and everyone from Al Gore to Al Franken would be calling for impeachment, hearings, sub-commitees, an immediate stop to the sales of sleep-aids, and alcohol, and more warning labels we don't need. But, since it was a Dem, A KENNEDY, it was all society's fault, and relegated to the farthest reaches of Netscape news (by CNN, no less). Is it just me, or do we have a bit of a double-standard problem in this country?

Do we like bad news? Only 2 out of the 14 stories I scanned tonight were of a positive nature. There were a few ambiguous headlines, but mostly this murder, that terror plot, another abduction, families killing each other... When I read, or watch this junk everyday, I start getting depressed, and I want to just ignore it. But that would be denial, and I'm not into that. Instead, I'll just bitch about it in here, and keep looking for that good-news story buried in the crap. maybe tomorrow's good news will be a big win for the ball team. Is it just me, or does a good little-league game beat the heck out of the 6 o'clock news anyday?

Peace, Love, and Ambien-walking



Crazy Politico said...

Yes, Bro, we do seem to prefer bad news, it gets better ratings.

Anonymous said...

No, it's not just you -- and yes, little league beats the news any day of the week!