Thursday, December 03, 2009

What now, Mr. Gore?

All over this crazy internet community, I see story after story about how some of the world's top environmental scientists may have - shall we say - modified some of their inputs, to show a greater amount of human influence on the Earth's climate than is actually there.

Of course, the legitimacy of the emails and documents in question is being refuted by the people most damaged by this outing. And yet, the man whose tinkering was exposed - Phil Jones - stepped down from his lead post at the Climate Research Unit (CRU) at the University of East Anglia, in England. If its not real, why step down Phil?

My wife and I watch Robin Meade (short pause for drooling) every morning on CNN's little sister, HLN. The ONLY mention of this story was about ten words scrolling across the bottom of the screen. I only caught it because at the time, Robin was not on screen. If global warming does exist, its because Robin goes outside at least twice a day.

Many people blindly walk through their own conspiracy theories about these eco-quacks; but few have given good reason for this hoax to perpetuate. Some say grant money, some say bureaucrats after big fees, fines and expensive "studies". These are OK theories, I guess, but not big and bold enough for the scope of this scenario.

Who suffers if "they" convince us that global warming is the danger we are told it is? Who has to change everything they do and how they do it? Who gets the bulk of the blame? Manufacturing in general, and specifically, the automotive industry. A very large portion of the jobs in this country are tied to the automotive industry, one way or the other. If you can effectively blame one segment for the decline of our environment, you can also - in theory - shut that segment down. That's a lot of people out of work... dependent on the government... Sound familiar?

Removing large chunks of people from the ranks of the gainfully employed, puts that much more power in the hands of the governing bodies of those people. Making it very difficult and expensive to operate a manufacturing firm is a good way to shut it down, no? I could go into how the healthcare reform act is also partly aimed this way, but that's another conversation.

Look at a satellite photo of the county you live in, even the city you live in, zoomed just to show that area. If you were standing in the most wide open place, wearing a bright red clown suit, would you be visible in that satellite photo? We don't get, for the most part, how small we are. How insignificant we are, and how easily Mother Earth could flick us away like flies.

Why is there no ozone hole above Los Angeles? Has every bad emission EVER floated down to Tierra Del Fuego, where THE ozone hole is? The fact is, the Tierra phenomenon is probably caused partly by the ozone hole; which means it has been there since at least the 1500's... Sorry Al. Another funny thing about that ozone hole; it is situated such that, it may have been punched through by the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs... Bet you never thought of that, did ya' Al? Another theory about the ozone hole, is that we need it as kind of a safety valve, but I don't buy that one.

Bottom line, the big finale to global warming is another ice age. So what caused the last one... Wooly Mammoth farts? Everything is cyclical, peeps. Back in the 1950's, scientists were concerned about global cooling... Look it up, really. Mother has been around for a few billion years now, I'm fairly certain she may jave a few routines we haven't caught on to yet.

Peace, Love and Aqua Net,



Crazy Politico said...

If the quacks who believe that my pickup truck is the cause of all of this would shut up, a ton less CO2 would be getting into the atmosphere.

The actual reason for their hype is related to something Rahm Emanuel said earlier this year, (paraphrased)Never let a crisis pass without getting something from it.

Global warming is being sold as a crisis of massive proportions, to allow the political class to "get something", namingly more money.

Unknown said...

More specifically, more of OUR money in the form of taxes...