Tuesday, December 15, 2009

What the..?

Yeah, so I'm watching Katie Couric tonight... God knows why... CBS Evening News does a story about Gitmo detainees coming to a prison in Thomson, Illinois; about an hour or so west of my little burgh. CBS's story says the people of Thomson are "overwhelmingly" in favor of this move, as it will bring 3,000+ jobs and over a billion dollars to the area.


Less than a third of those jobs will be local hires, and the guards who already work at the Thomson prison - LOCAL PEOPLE - are not even close to sure of keeping their jobs; they are State employees, and would have to reapply to become federal guards... Jobs which usually require knowing and/or blowing someone high up on the ladder.

The money will most assuredly go to Chicago contractors, especially if President Barry Osama... Oops... Obama - has anything to say about it. It is my humble opinion, and educated guess, that the Daley Mob is already licking their collective chops over this - imagine the unheard of kickbacks from this gig!!!

Sad, really. I was actually going to praise the Prez for his outstanding acceptance/concession speech for the Nobel Peace Prize. I was especially delighted and surprised, that he let those smug European pukes know that they owe the United States... well... pretty much everything. Unfortunately, like the high Liberalville USA got from his election, my delight was short lived, and came down hard.

Now, I get to worry about terrorist attacks happening less than two hours away from my family - to the West OR the East! Thanks Barry, as if trials at Ground Zero weren't enough of an invitation; "Here Al Qaeda, attack Chicago - Hell, wipe out all of Northern Illinois, who cares?!?! Yeah, a dirty nuke in Rural America should really help our... I mean YOUR cause..."

Yup, government getting bigger, Barry's new friends in Radical Islam getting new reasons to conduct operations on U.S. soil... Soon Barry will have his U.S.S.A. - Union of Socialist States of Amerika. Since H1N1 has turned out to be nothing more than "the flu", Barry will need a new reason to declare a national state of emergency, and eventually (probably around November 2012) Martial Law.

Barry's handlers say that closing Gitmo, and housing terror suspects in the U.S. - proper, will somehow appease Radical Islam. I strongly disagree; Radical Islam will not be appeased until all their men are free to rejoin their respective cells, so they can work on killing Americans and Israelis again. Actually, they won't really be appeased until everyone who isn't Muslim, either converts or dies... It's kinda' their thing, Barry. You see, Barry mistakenly thinks that Radical Islam is the same as True Islam... not so much, Barry. The Quran (True Islam) teaches tolerance between Islam, Christianity, and Judaism, it even acknowledges Jesus as a great Prophet, just not the Son of God. Radical Islam says "Christians and Jews DIE!!!"... See the difference?

So I ask you: What good reason can anyone give to bring the suspected terrorists here, for trial or holding? Jobs? Government jobs produce nothing, and cost taxpayers more money. As previously stated, most of these jobs would help local employment rates very little. Money? From what? Prisoners don't exactly spend much, and any new development will cost money before it makes any, and who is to say how many, if any, of these jobs will be permanent or even long-term? They have to put those prisoners on trial someday, then they either go free or get the chair. Besides, I am reminded of all the jobs "created" by the stimulus package... 10.2% unemployment.

Let me know if I am missing something, because all I see is a big target being painted on Northern Illinois.

Peace, Love, and Hardin, Montana -


1 comment:

Alayna said...

Thanks for hookin' me up! Good to see your thoughts!