Wednesday, December 02, 2009

I'm Baaaack: Part Deux

Yes, it has been approximately three years since your last shot of Common Freaking Sense. Now, out of college twenty years or so late, Stu is back with a vengeance. Armed with my high-fallutin' AA in IT/Networking from the University of Phoenix, I have returned to wreak havoc on the Donkey people, Hollywood, and anyone else who needs a CFS injection.

Speaking of Donkey people... Doesn't President Osama... ooops, I mean Obama's - plan for Afganistan sound eerily similar to a plan he opposed in Iraq? Troop surge to speed up completion of the objectives..? Man, Just sounds familiar to me... Wierd...

Shout-outs to:

Alayna - for reminding me I have a place to rant -n- rave

Cole - My nephew, who Left for USMC boot camp yesterday... Semper Fi - Be safe

Peace, Love, and Naughty Kittens

St00bert (CP's big Little Bro)


Crazy Politico said...

Hey College Boy, how you doing!

And, no his Afghan plan is different. In Iraq he said a surge would fail and we should cut and run. In Afghanistan he's not bothering to say it will fail, he's just planning a cut and run date.

Unknown said...

Oh, guess I never thought of it that way...

So just deny reality, and everything else will fall into place? Brilliant.