Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Almost forgot I had this thing...

Man, with all this stuff going on, I pretty much abandoned the ol' Blog again. But, they say 95% of all blogs end up completely abandoned within a few months, so I'm not doin' SO bad... Right?

Yeah so, my eldest son is in the Army now, gettin married at the end of the year (Oh good, more spending...), and constantly reminding me that its about 65 degrees and sunny damn near every day in Monterey, CA. While we wade through ass-deep snow and -12 for a low tonight. Fucker.

Congress, especially the House, turned over big time last fall. As much as I would love to see Comrade Pelosi, Harry "Vladimir" Reid, and Chairman Oba-Mao go away in 2012, it becomes more clear every day that politicos are all after the same end - more power and our money - just by different means. Take our new friends in the Tea-Party; they don't think Chairman Oba-Mao is tough enough on terrorism, but they don't want to wire-tap people who are likely to BE terrorists..? Isn't this like saying you believe in our right to keep and bear arms, but want to outlaw gun sales? Once the Patriot Act provisions are allowed to expire, bad shit won't be far behind. Not being a doomsayer or anything, just common-freaking-sense; if we can't perform surveillance on the bad guys - and the Lame-stream media is making sure the bad guys know we can't - they get a blank check and a nice clean slate for planning the next big 9/11 style attack.

Well, at least all this Government spending is making the economy better... Oh wait, we just laid off six people where I work, foreclosures are going ape shit, and overall unemployment is still attached to that helium balloon. Not to mention predictions of $5 per gallon gas by the summer... How's that gonna go in your economic outlook?

If any of my loyal readers (OK, I know its just you Alayna, but let me dream) know of any people, businesses, or production companies in need of a voice-over guy, I'm trying to break into the biz. I keep hearing that I should use my many voices, including the ones inside my head, to make some dough, scratch, mula, cash. Send them to the ol' Blog, and have 'em post a comment, or click the "Follow Blog" button. Need to be able to give my Boy and the Bride something a little better than McDonald's for the rehearsal dinner.

Now that the Green Bay Packers are Champions, and Vince is back home where he belongs, I am gonna try to do more news watching and blogging. Sometimes though, I can't take the monotony of the same crap recycling day after day, so I may have to post some completely random shit too.

Peace, Love, and CMIII,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am here, and you can dream!