Tuesday, May 30, 2006


As I find out more and more about this hypothetical hiring process, it's becoming clear-as-mud to me.

Through further hypothetic discussion and research, I've found the women to men ratio will be about 2:1. That is not all, however. The hypothetical criterion also hinges on two other things;

1. Are you of woefully average intelligence?

2. Does your score on the psycho-babble portion of the test indicate that you are a mindless follower, willing to tattle on your co-workers for the smallest mis-deed?

If you answered yes to both of these questions, (and you're a Hispanic, single mother) CONGRATULATIONS!!! You're in! Hypothetically.

Here's my theory; What we hypothetically have here is three groups trying to play both sides against the middle, not realizing that there's a third side involved.

1. Management convinces union reps that this diversification looks good for P.R., AND certainly none of these new employees could threaten their cushy ass-spreadin' jobs... But neglects to mention the lack of knowledge, and therefore production, morale, etc., will also weaken the union. Management does not know the labor side of the union even exists.

2. Union reps, convinced they have kissed-up most righteously, go to labor and say, "Hey, we know there's always been a referral program, and we've gotten alot of good employees that way, but this whole diversity thing we're getting shoved up our ass by Washington...We don't like it any more than you do... And all you people who've been working here part time for years.. Let us talk to management, we'll get this straightened out...blah..blah, you should be getting your full-time offers any day now..blah...blah." Union reps are convinced that they are Management.

3. Washington, whose campaign fund is fattened by both sides, has Management convinced that a weaker union will mean cheaper labor down the line, and the whole P.R. thing don't hurt either. Meanwhile, keeping Union reps happy with "Diversity will strengthen.." and "I'm fightin' for you everyday..." talk, while all those "Richest 1%" tax cuts just keep getting passed. Washington is fighting for whomever is fattening his coffers the most. Labor who?

What does all this mean? Well, for starters, I feel sorry for the poor people who have to train the in-coming crop of former salesmen, and office workers. Second, I wouldn't buy a certain car named after bullet measurements, as I am sure there will be recalls-a-plenty. And finally, another P.O.S. politician keeps getting richer, while the people who got him there are slowly putting themselves out of a job.

Wow, maybe I should just count my blessings. Y'all have fun with that..'K?

Peace, Love, and my old '73 Caprice Classic (CHEVY)



Anonymous said...

Do you guys have a 2:1 ratio of women to men living in northern Illinois? I guess all the men went to fight in the "evil Bush war", leaving inordinate amounts of women available from the populace to fill these jobs....

Who thinks up this "diversity" stuff? And just who do they think made this nation so strong in the first place? Mostly white males, and black males, along with the beloved women who helped out in WWII while the males were off dying for them and the kids. Others have helped, no doubt; but these are the people who formed the core group of the industrial world.

"Diversity" as I have seen it portrayed is a motherlode and rarely reflects the demographics of an area.

Unknown said...

Well, I do have to admit OMM, Belvedere does have a rather significant Hispanic single mother populus. However, many of them don't have the H.S. diploma required to hypothetically get these jobs, much less, have a firm enough grasp of the english language to function at a high level in such an environment... If it wasn't a hypothetical environment, of course.


Crazy Politico said...

If, OMM, we had a 2 to 1 ratio of women to men I think a lot of us guys would get divorced figuring we could do better :)

Bro'= Start wearing a man-bra, and talk with an accent, you'll be in.

Or just cross dress and tell them you'll scream discrimination if they don't hire you :)

Anonymous said...

You guys are cool....

Unknown said...

We try